Your credit card will be charged for the full amount of your reservation 6 days before your first service.
Yes. We will need at least 24 hours of anticipation to make a change on youritinerary. These changes are subject to availability and might not always bepossible.
We prefer if you pay in US Dollars. Daily changes in the exchange rate of the dollar can lead to misunderstandings.
Yes. You can ask the driver to stop for lunch, breakfast, dinner or to take pictures along the way at no extra charge. Additional stops for tours have an additional cost of $20 per hour of waiting.
When you make the reservation you will receive a confirmed itinerary with pick up dates and times. We work with this itinerary. If you make a change in your schedule it would be a good idea to call the office and notify us of the specific change on date and/or time.
Once you land at the airport you have to go through customs. Once you do that, the main exit door (there is only one) is the next step to leave the airport. When you get there you have to look for a sign with your name and our company’s name. One of our representatives is going to be waiting in this area to help you with your luggage and take you to the vehicle.
No. The tip is not included. A normal tip is about 10% of the price. It’s notmandatory. Cash to the driver only.
Sometimes it is difficult to find the driver when the exit door area gets crowded. If this is the case, we have a 24/7 emergency number where you can contact us. Inside Costa Rica you only have to dial 8 digits and no area code is needed. Please call us at 4000-1040 or 8520-0110 (office). If you don’t have access to a cell phone, go to the public telephones located at the right of the exit door. You need to dial 1110 to make a collect call, dial the number 1 option, dial the emergency number and say your name. A Costa Rica Shuttle representative will take your call and give you instructions in order to find the driver.
Do not let anyone touch your luggage or call for you as sometimes they will make think that we are not there or that we will not make it to confuse you, make sure you talk to us directly, we all speak English at the office so once we get the call we will help you to find your driver if you can’t do it.
When you make a reservation it is mandatory to provide flight details. We use this information to track the flights on the airline website. This way we know for sure the right time of your arrival or if you flight has been cancelled. We will appreciate if you call us if for some reason you don’t get on the plane as the driver will be waiting without knowing that you won’t be there.
If you are staying in a hotel, we recommend waiting at the lobby or front desk in order to avoid delays.
Our services are private. You and your companions can enjoy Costa Rica private transportation without having to share the van with other passengers.